In my opinion that said the list was hard to google adsense is disproved, wow knowingly.
How to list google adsense to approve :
1. list google adsense through Flixya. glimpse of how the list of adsense through flixya, we are only in order to upload a photo of at least 10, or write an article or we upload and write the number 10 article content.
2. list google adsense through cursory indyarocks again about how the list via indyarocks, actually this is india social networking site so we have to list them first to indyarocks, the process is too easy to us in order to upload a blog post the same photo as rich list google adsense through flixya
3. list google adsense through docstoc This is how I traveled recently and God bless you agree again, the process is again easier us to upload documents to document everything, but first English well, let affairs now, forget complete with our profile up to 100% of any origin as well. content well, I uploaded the document only 5
that's what I did to my list of google adsense, so do not ever give up hihihihi behind sorrow there is a way, and I let all the articles I submit to google adsense is a copy paste of the PLR, the process is easy once again, so you are interested please try your luck
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